
Home - Mosquitoes
How Effective Is Mosquito Reduction

How Effective is Mosquito Reduction?

July 5, 2023

So, you’re having your yard serviced for mosquitoes this year? Did you suffer enough during last year’s brutal summer when your family had fallen victim to swarms of mosquitoes and…

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mosquito season control

Get Ahead of Mosquitoes This Season

May 21, 2023

Who doesn’t know about mosquitoes in the Carolinas? And is anyone surprised to see them in Charlotte as early as April? Or again in May, June, and all the way…

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Insect Bites: How to Identify Them and Which Ones to Worry About

January 27, 2020

It’s itchy. It’s sore. Your limbs might be a little achy. Or you could just generally be feeling a little off. You know that something has had its teeth into…

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Mosquitoes: Should I Worry About Zika?

June 26, 2019

Despite being known about since the 1950s, it wasn’t until 2015 that Zika really hit the headlines. Images of babies born with microcephaly tore at the hearts of people everywhere.…

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Tips to Reclaim Your Garden from the Bugs

June 10, 2019

Most of us know that bugs are an important part of a healthy garden. But there’s nothing like a cloud of flies or overly interested wasps to ruin yard parties.…

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What Pests Should You be Looking Out for This Spring

April 16, 2019

The guiding principle of any war is to know your enemy. As spring starts to swing a series of incursions will be made against your home. The best way to…

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Charlotte’s Least Wanted – Your Most Common Pests and How to Beat Them

November 27, 2018

Here at Noosa Pest Management, we can’t help but notice that there’s something really bugging the people of Charlotte… Five things, in fact. Five crawling, biting, mess-making intruders that we…

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mosquito control Noosa Pest NC

Zika Virus: What We Need to Know

February 9, 2016

Zika Virus: What We Need to Know Insects rarely make the headlines. When they do, bugs generate solid interest from the public. Insects are something that everyone can relate to. Most…

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child backyard mosquito reduction

What is a Mosquito Reduction Service?

September 4, 2015

What is mosquito reduction and how does it help to reduce the mosquito population? If you are considering a mosquito service for your yard this summer, you may be wondering…

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