Mosquito Control & Reduction Services

Charlotte, NC Mosquito Control

If mosquitoes are keeping you from enjoying backyard gatherings, gardening, or any other outdoor activity, it’s time to take your yard back from these biting insects with Noosa’s Mosquito Reduction services.


The Growing Mosquito Problem

Technically speaking, mosquitoes are seasonal pests. Unfortunately, in the state of North Carolina, the mosquito season has expanded, with North Carolina Policy Watch noting how the climate during nearly half of the year in our state is now ideal for this biting pest. Here’s another problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shared how diseases carried by mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas tripled in the United States from 2014 to 2016. Plus, for a while after Hurricane Florence, North Carolina had an influx of mosquitoes —the “gallinippers”—that could grow to three times the size of a typical one.

If you have concerns about mosquitoes on your property, proactive action is needed. For mosquito control near you, please contact us online or call 704-499-9922.

Types of Mosquitoes

Approximately 60 species of mosquitoes live in North Carolina, although a few species are among the most problematic. They include the following two:

  • Asian Tiger Mosquitoes: This species breeds in water found in bird baths, buckets, flowerpots, and so forth. They live all around the state and are active and biting day and night. The Asian Tiger can carry a type of encephalitis and chikungunya, and may also carry the Zika virus.
  • Northern House Mosquitoes: This type is also located all around the state, but they prefer to come out at night. They like to breed in ditches and in-ground pools and, sometimes, they can carry the West Nile virus.

According to the CDC, mosquitoes can spread a significant number of diseases; the ones mentioned above may be the most likely for our region. Because some of the diseases spread by this pests still don’t have medicines available to treat them, managing the mosquito population is crucial.

Mosquito Bites

Certain people seem more prone to getting bitten and that is likely because the person’s body scent is more appealing to this pest—or, more accurately, to the females. Male mosquitoes don’t bite. The bug’s saliva can then trigger an allergic reaction in a bitten person, which is the cause of the red and itchy bump that can appear on the skin. Swelling may appear on the bite site and some people can also get blisters or hives. 

If you get bitten, wash the area with soap and water and do your best not to scratch. Itching the area can increase the chances of bacteria entering the body and causing an infection. For relief, use an anti-itch cream or calamine lotion; put ice on the area; take an over-the-counter antihistamine; and elevate that area of the body. 

If these home remedies don’t help or the area appears to be infected, you can ask your doctor for a prescription application. If, after a bite, you or a loved one experiences fever, shortness of breath, or vomiting, get medical attention immediately.

About the Zika virus

Do you have concerns about the Zika virus? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has the most up-to-date information on this mosquito-borne disease. There is no medicine or vaccine for Zika, so it’s important to know how to reduce your exposure to mosquitoes.

Get some Zika virus insight from our Chief Bugman, Fred Wingate!
Watch this behind-the-scenes footage of how our Mosquito Reduction service works!

Proven Cost Effective Mosquito Control

We know how important it is to our customers to balance safety and effectiveness with mosquito treatments. That’s why our trained technicians use the highest standards when delivering your services, applying treatments without cutting any corners. We are so committed to this level of service that it sets us apart from many other companies that offer mosquito control near you.

Because these pests can breed at an incredible rate, with one female able to lay 100 eggs at a single time, frequency of the mosquito treatment applications is crucial. The ideal frequency is every 21 days and that may in fact be the most important part of effective treatment and is vital for its success.

Noosa Pest Management strictly follows this schedule to control the mosquito population and protect your family—and your home and yard. You can find ways that you can help to keep the population down in our FAQs at the bottom of this page under the Q&A for “How can I prevent mosquitoes?” 

We use the latest equipment and products that are low toxicity while still being effective. This approach is good for you, your family, and the beneficial insects in your yard, such as honey bees, which we always try to keep safe and healthy.

Our mosquito exterminators treat your yard everywhere that mosquitoes hide during the day—under the leaves of plants and shrubs, in mulched beds, and more as part of our cost effective, proven mosquito treatment strategy.

Noosa’s Mosquito Treatment Plans

Our mosquito reduction program goes beyond the occasional application of insecticide to your outdoor spaces to give you the greatest protection. Proper mosquito reduction programs involve systematic, comprehensive, and knowledgeable strategies that involve more time, planning, and expertise than the average operator providing mosquito control near you can handle.

Contact the Pros at Noosa Pest Management

At our locally owned and operated family business, we’re much more than mosquito exterminators. We provide a wide range of residential and commercial pest management services with each one providing low impact solutions to minimize its ecological effect. In short, besides being pest management pros, we are also stewards of our natural environment. 

If you need mosquito control services in Charlotte, don't wait to get in touch—we offer free, no-obligation mosquito reduction evaluations so there’s no risk to you. Call us at 704-499-9922 or contact us online.

Mosquito Treatment FAQs

Mosquito season in Charlotte, NC, typically begins in early spring and extends through to late fall. The exact timing can vary slightly each year depending on weather conditions, but it generally starts once temperatures consistently hit 50 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing mosquito eggs to hatch and mature. The peak of mosquito season is often during the hot and humid summer months, roughly from June until September, when mosquitoes are most active, and their breeding cycle is fastest. Here at Noosa Pest Management, we recommend treatment every 21 days during these months, which breaks the mosquito reproductive cycle.

Your own mosquito control measures should focus on depriving these insects of the water they need at each stage of their lives, from larvae to adults. There are a few types of water habitats that mosquitoes seek, including floodwaters caused by heavy rainfall and container habitats, which are something you can control.

There are some easily spotted habitats that you might be providing in your yard, such as stagnant birdbaths or fountains that don’t circulate water, both of which should be emptied often. Less obvious sources of water—and it doesn’t take but the equivalent of a capful of water for egg laying—may be found throughout your yard. Here’s what to look for and empty:

  • Trays beneath plants and flower pots
  • Children’s toys, pools and playsets
  • Pet food and water bowls
  • Folds in the covers of grills, cars and boats
  • Gardening and yard equipment, such as wheelbarrows, buckets and fertilizer spreaders
  • Clogged gutters and downspouts
  • Garbage cans with no lids

More steps you can take to reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property is to keep it free of yard debris such as dead foliage. Keep grasses and other types of growth well-trimmed to eliminate some of the spots that provide shady hiding places for mosquitoes.

Lastly, inspect screens on doors and windows to make sure there are no tiny holes that allow mosquitoes to get inside your home, and seal any gaps with weather stripping.

Professional mosquito treatment services from Noosa offer several key benefits. First, we are thorough in our inspection of the property we are protecting from mosquitoes in Charlotte NC. Also, when treating mosquito-infested areas, we are ensuring that all potential breeding grounds are addressed. This level of effectiveness is difficult to achieve with store-bought products or DIY methods. Finally, we use advanced products and techniques that provide longer-lasting protection against mosquitoes. Lastly, our expert technicians understand how to apply treatments safely to minimize harm to beneficial insects and the wider environment.

Noosa’s professional mosquito yard treatments work by targeting the common habitats and breeding grounds of mosquitoes. These treatments contain different active ingredients designed to kill adult mosquitoes and larvae on contact. Some applications also include an insect growth regulator to disrupt the life cycle of mosquitoes, preventing larvae from maturing into biting adults. This two-pronged approach — killing existing mosquitoes and inhibiting the growth of new ones — significantly reduces mosquito populations over time.

As with any type of pest control, there are products available to homeowners on the shelves of hardware, grocery, and big box stores that kill mosquitoes. These include mosquito foggers and mosquito sprays for yards. The issues with do-it-yourself pest control—and mosquito control in particular—are the safe and proper application of these products and their effectiveness. In some cases, such as with devices that trap mosquitoes, you may even end up attracting all types of pests and more of them. Wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is paramount for your own safety as well.

Professional mosquito control providers have training and experience in locating the areas of your outdoor spaces where mosquitoes are much more likely to be. In addition they have access to the latest and most effective products to reduce mosquito populations in all types of environments.

Finding the best mosquito control service in your area requires a bit of research. Start by asking for recommendations from family, friends, or neighbors who have used such services before. Online reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or Angie's List can also provide valuable insights about different providers. Once you have a shortlist, contact the companies directly to inquire about their methods, products, safety measures, and pricing. Check if they are licensed and insured and ask whether they offer any guarantees. Remember that while pricing is a consideration, the effectiveness and safety of the treatment and the level of training that the applicator receives should be paramount. Finally, opt for a provider that offers excellent customer service and is willing to answer all your questions.

While one treatment will decrease the mosquito population in your yard temporarily, it won't eliminate all mosquitoes—especially for the entire season. We generally schedule mosquito treatments every 21 days during mosquito season, as this is the typical lifespan of a mosquito. If we’re able to return to your property and apply treatment to mosquitos before they reach maturity, the reproductive cycle will be broken preventing new eggs from being laid.

In some cases, the frequency of mosquito control treatments can vary depending on additional factors, including the severity of the mosquito problem and the specific region's climate. Feel free to consult with your Noosa Pest Management Professional to determine the ideal treatment schedule if you have specific needs.

During a mosquito treatment appointment, the exterminator will first conduct a thorough inspection of your property to identify mosquito breeding grounds and resting areas. They may look for standing water in things like bird baths, plant saucers, or gutters, which are common mosquito breeding sites. Next, they'll typically apply a pest control product to control adult mosquitoes and larvae, focusing on shrubs and foliage where mosquitoes tend to rest. Some exterminators might also treat the exterior walls of your home to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

Most mosquito control treatments are safe for both humans and pets when used correctly. The products used in these treatments are EPA-registered and designed to target mosquitoes specifically. However, it's recommended that children and pets stay indoors during the treatment and for a short period afterward until the product has dried. This minimizes the chance of direct contact with the chemicals used.

We will always have to deal with some mosquitoes in our yard, but we can greatly reduce their numbers with a comprehensive treatment plan. 

The most effective strategy includes a multi-pronged approach, including:

  • Product application: Indiscriminate spraying only goes so far in reducing the mosquito population. For the greatest effectiveness, products must be applied carefully and in all of the locations where mosquitoes are likely to hide and breed, such as the undersides of foliage and in all shaded areas. At Noosa, we never cut corners on how and where we apply the products that can help protect you, your family, and your pets from these dangerous pests. 
  • Application frequency: Some pest control companies provide mosquitoes treatments once a month at most. At Noosa, we know that the key to effectiveness is to repeat mosquito treatments every 21 days throughout the height of mosquito season. This is because a female mosquito can lay more than 100 eggs at a time, so there is a constant cycle of new mosquitoes waiting to invade your yard. This frequency is one of the most important aspects of our mosquito reduction service. 
  • Preventative measures: Professional mosquito treatments are essential to keeping mosquito populations down, but efforts on the part of property owners are important as well. Making your yard a less hospitable environment for mosquitoes is key.

We do! Our truck-mounted mosquito service is called on to support counties and municipalities in North and South Carolina when mosquito populations surge to high levels. We provide truck-mounted mosquito ULV sprayers and truck-mounted mosquito fogging services, both of which use botanical options to lessen the environmental impact of these applications, which is always a goal at Noosa. We’re a proud part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program.

We serve these North Carolina and South Carolina cities and more, offering solutions to all of your pest control problems, from termites to bed bugs:

Don’t see your neighborhood on the list? Please give us a call at 704-499-9922 or contact us to find out if the Noosa pest control pros serve your area or to learn more about all of our services.

Mosquito Control Blog Posts

How Effective is Mosquito Reduction?

July 5, 2023

So, you’re having your yard serviced for mosquitoes this year? Did you suffer enough during last year’s brutal summer when your family had fallen victim to swarms of mosquitoes and their itchy bites? Maybe you moved into a new home with brush and standing water already in the yard and wanted to remove it immediately?…

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Get Ahead of Mosquitoes This Season

May 21, 2023

Who doesn’t know about mosquitoes in the Carolinas? And is anyone surprised to see them in Charlotte as early as April? Or again in May, June, and all the way through October? Our area has high humidity, which these bugs love. So, you’d better get out your mosquito repellents and start swatting. DIY Preparation for…

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Insect Bites: How to Identify Them and Which Ones to Worry About

January 27, 2020

It’s itchy. It’s sore. Your limbs might be a little achy. Or you could just generally be feeling a little off. You know that something has had its teeth into you. But the questions are, ‘which bug bit you?’ and ‘should you be concerned?’ In North Carolina, we’re pretty lucky. There aren’t that many insects…

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Mosquitoes: Should I Worry About Zika?

June 26, 2019

Despite being known about since the 1950s, it wasn’t until 2015 that Zika really hit the headlines. Images of babies born with microcephaly tore at the hearts of people everywhere. It seemed impossible that such heartache could be caused by something as insignificant as an insect. And yet the mosquito was to blame. We’ve been…

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Tips to Reclaim Your Garden from the Bugs

June 10, 2019

Most of us know that bugs are an important part of a healthy garden. But there’s nothing like a cloud of flies or overly interested wasps to ruin yard parties. And relaxing in the sun with a good book is a whole lot less appealing if you’re going to get eaten by mosquitoes! So, as…

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What Pests Should You be Looking Out for This Spring

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Charlotte’s Least Wanted – Your Most Common Pests and How to Beat Them

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Here at Noosa Pest Management, we can’t help but notice that there’s something really bugging the people of Charlotte… Five things, in fact. Five crawling, biting, mess-making intruders that we really don’t want in our homes. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at Charlotte’s most common troublemakers, and give you a few…

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Zika Virus: What We Need to Know

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What is a Mosquito Reduction Service?

September 4, 2015

What is mosquito reduction and how does it help to reduce the mosquito population? If you are considering a mosquito service for your yard this summer, you may be wondering what exactly to expect. Join us as we explore what mosquito reduction services entail, how it helps create a more comfortable and safer environment for…

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